General Information

About the Club

The Adelaide Pigeon Club is a One Loft Club where teams of five birds are entered and complete in five races during the season for a total prize pool of $120,000, subject to full club membership. First prize in each race $10,000. The top 30 places per race receive prize money. The races are held on the north line from distances ranging from approximately 250 kms to 727 kms. Birds are released with the SAHPA birds and are well spilt up ensuring a clear winner.



Address all correspondence to

The Secretary: Rolf Goodacre

22 Wood Street, Kurralta Park SA 5037

Ph 0405 507 031

Address all payments to

The Treasurer:  Adelaide Pigeon Club 

Penny Fretter 12 Spencer Street

Mac Donald Park S.A. 5121

Ph 0400 823 461

Loft Manager

Brian Fretter Ph 0405 473 612

Email the club at